Friday, January 14, 2011


Hope your New Year is going as well as mine! I could do without all of the snow, but my FPs got me some cool shoes that keep the ice balls out of my feet so I can run really fast. Speaking of, I have really picked up my pace on the trail. I still stay really close but am now walking 5 feet in front of my FPs instead of 5 feet behind!

I got a whole pack of toilet paper for Christmas so I would have my own stash - I wish! I just helped my FD carry this in the house from the car. I love to help you carry things but if you don't need help, I will just carry my pillow around instead.  There is a picture of me playing with my favorite squeaky toy AND my suckle pillow at the same time. It was hilarious to watch because I really wanted both in mouth, maybe I could get a squeaky pillow - now that's an idea!

I love hanging out with my foster siblings the best though - the big guy still scares me just a tiny bit, but I am learning to trust him more :) I am even sleeping in their "dog pile" now. I used to always want to sleep alone but not anymore!